The Village Council is made up of six members and is the governing body for the village. They meet on a regular basis to act on any business matters of the village and to set policy and introduce and act on legislation that would be in the best interest of the citizens. Council members serve on standing committees of Council to perform research on assigned task as dictated by full council and to report back to full council their finding and to recommend if any action is needed or required.
Council members are elected on a non-partisan basis for a four year term. Members serve on an at large basis. This means each member represents all citizens rather than only serving those citizens in their respective district. Two council member terms of office coincide with the term of the Mayor, with the four Council member terms beginning two years after the previous two.
At the first regularly scheduled meeting of each calendar year Council elects one of the six council members as President of Council. The President of Council serves as President pro-tempore of council in the absent of the Mayor and to conduct the duties of Mayor when the Elected Mayor is unable to perform those duties for stipulated reasons.
The Village of Vanlue Council meets the fourth Monday of each month at 7:00 pm to discuss Village business and enact laws and legislation to govern the Village. The Village Council represents the citizenry and you are encouraged as citizens, to reach out to your representatives in regards to conflicts and/or suggestions for improvements.
Listed below are the current Council members, their committee assignments, and their contact information:
Contact Info
Ann Burrell
Council Member;
Trees, Streets
304 E. Main St.
P.O. Box 221
Vanlue, OH 45890
Term Exp. 12/31/2027
(419) 722-3290
Melissa Caudill
Council Member;
Community Relations, Finance
312 E. North St.
P.O. Box 177
Vanlue, OH 45890
Term Exp. 12/31/2025
(419) 722-5099
Bridget Shepherd
Council Member;
Buildings & Grounds, Records
100 W. North St.
Vanlue, Ohio 45890
Term Exp. 12/31/2025
(419) 306-2747
Rebecca Nye
Council Member;
Finance, Community Relations
304 W. North St.
P.O. Box 117
Vanlue, OH 45890
Term Exp. 12/31/2025
(419) 387-7610
Jeri Wenger
President of Council
Records, Buildings & Grounds
108 W. North St.
P.O. Box 173
Vanlue, OH 45890
Term Exp. 12/31/2027
(419) 721-9184
Amy Wiseley
Council Member;
Streets, Trees
310 Blanchard St.
P.O. Box 202
Vanlue, OH 45890
Term Exp. 12/31/2025
(419) 722-1548
Related Documents

Council Meeting